As flu season approaches, have you considered the impact it could have on your business? Sickness absences, particularly during winter, can be costly and disruptive. By offering flu vaccinations to your employees, you can protect your team, reduce absenteeism, and maintain a productive workplace.


The Cost of Flu to Your Business

  • Employee Absences: Flu-related absenteeism costs UK businesses around £29 billion each year. With the average cost of a day of absence being £522, flu could cost your business around £174 per employee annually.
  • Lost Productivity: The flu is one of the leading causes of sick days in the UK.
  • Economic Impact: Research suggests that flu vaccinations could save the UK economy up to £28 billion annually in lost sick days.


Did You Know?

  • Flu symptoms usually develop 1 to 3 days after infection, and while most people feel better within a week, the impact on your team’s productivity can linger.
  • The flu strain changes each year, so annual vaccination is the best way to protect against the most common strains.


How You Can Support Your Employees

Offering flu vaccinations shows that you care about your employees’ well-being and can significantly reduce the spread of illness in your workplace. Here’s how you can make it easy for your team:

  1. Offer Time Off for Vaccination: Allow employees time to get vaccinated, especially since some may be eligible for a free NHS flu vaccine.
  2. Reimburse Vaccination Costs: At an average of less than £25 per vaccine, reimbursing this expense is a small price to pay for keeping your workforce healthy.
  3. Provide On-Site Vaccinations: Invite a flu nurse to your workplace for convenient, on-site vaccinations. This is especially cost-effective if you have a larger team.
  4. Communicate Clearly: Make sure employees know the flu vaccine is voluntary and inform them of the options available.


Review Your Sickness Absence Policy

A clear sickness policy is crucial, especially during flu season. Encourage employees to stay home if they feel unwell, and be mindful of the risks of presenteeism, which can spread illness and affect productivity.

Consider whether working from home is an option for employees who may have poor immune systems or who believe they are well enough to work but don’t want to share symptoms with others.


The Benefits of Offering Flu Vaccinations

  • Reduced Absenteeism: A vaccinated workforce means fewer sick days and a more productive business during flu season.
  • Cost Savings: By investing in vaccinations, you avoid the higher costs associated with absenteeism and lost productivity.
  • Improved Employee Morale: Demonstrating concern for your employees’ health fosters a positive work environment and reinforces that you’re a caring employer.


Take Action Now

Protect your team and your business this flu season by offering vaccinations. It’s a small step that can make a significant difference, ensuring your employees stay healthy, and your business stays productive.